Safety and Environmental Protection are of paramount importance in our sphere of operations. These two key areas need to be effectively controlled to prevent any unnecessary injuries, damage to health, loss of life or degradation of the environment. In order to preserve these values our company has embraced IMO’s International Safety Management Code requirements within its Quality System. The standard, including safety management system, is designed to ensure that our Company’s activities are sufficiently controlled to protect personnel, property and the environment from all reasonably expected risks and hazards.
Our Company recognises that an effective Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection Program makes for a more profitable operation and thereby ensures the welfare of all involved in our business both ashore and at sea. Safety is the concern of all and has no rank. However, to be effective, it has to be management led. To this end, the management is committed to making all personnel more safety conscious and encourages everyone to become actively involved in identifying possible hazards, by implementing corrective actions and constantly monitoring all facets of their working environment to ensure Quality & Safety conditions prevail.
An accident is indicative of a failure in the operating system. Our Company is committed to fully investigating all accidents or near miss incidents. The results of such investigations and any necessary corrective action will be brought to the attention of all concerned, so they all may learn from the incident.
Learning is a never ending journey on the road to excellence, thus Effective Training is fundamental to our Company’s business and its safety culture. As our standards constantly improve, new goals and targets are set which all our personnel shall strive to achieve.